Greater Middle East
Islamophobes exploit Lara Logan to discredit Egyptian revolution
As we've pointed out, the right is divided on the Egyptian and Arab revolutions—between neocons who have deluded themselves into thinking the Egyptians are following their "regime change" playbook, and more hardcore Islamophobes who can see only a fundamentalist threat in Arab masses rising to shake off their oppressors. Falling into the latter category is Phyllis Chesler—once, long ago, a feminist of basically progressive inclination but today a monomaniacal Muslim-basher who has defected to the right. She writes on David Horowitz's Front Page Mag Feb. 21 of "A War Crime in Cairo"—making hay of CBS reporter Lara Logan's sexual abuse at the hands of Tahrir Square protesters. She uses the incident to sneer at "mainstream American media" portrayals of the protesters as "brave pro-democracy freedom fighters."
Egyptian workers support Wisconsin workers
From, Feb. 20:
'We Stand With You as You Stood With Us':
Statement to Workers of Wisconsin by Kamal Abbas of Egypt's Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services
About Kamal Abbas and the Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services:
Kamal Abbas is General Coordinator of the CTUWS, an umbrella advocacy organization for independent unions in Egypt. The CTUWS, which was awarded the 1999 French Republic's Human Rights Prize, suffered repeated harassment and attack by the Mubarak regime, and played a leading role in its overthrow. Abbas, who witnessed friends killed by the regime during the 1989 Helwan steel strike and was himself arrested and threatened numerous times, has received extensive international recognition for his union and civil society leadership.
Egypt: Suez Canal zone workers go on strike again
Workers at the Suez Canal went on strike Feb. 19, part of a spreading wave of labor unrest that kept most of Egypt's economy shut down this week. About 1,500 workers in the Suez Canal Authority demonstrated in three cities along the canal, joining tens of thousands of other public-sector workers in a strike to demand higher wages. The stoppages continued despite public warnings from Egypt's new military rulers urging the strikers to return to work "at this delicate time."
Butchery in Bengazi, bravery in Bahrain
Libyan security forces fired on a funeral procession through the city of Benghazi on Feb. 20, as residents buried dozens of dead from a crackdown the day before. Witnesses described "massacres" in Benghazi and other eastern cities, with government troops and "African mercenaries" that have been called in "shooting without discrimination" into the crowds. The uprising, now in its fifth day, is still concentrated in the east of the country, but is spreading west, with protests reported in Misrata—just 200 kilometers from Tripoli, the capital. A tally by Human Rights Watch puts the number of dead in the uprising at 173, but independent sources in Libya gave figures as high as 500. (The Guardian, NYT, Middle East Online, Feb. 20)
Turkish journalists imprisoned on alleged coup plot ties
Three Turkish journalists allegedly involved with aiding the Ergenekon coup plot were jailed Feb. 18 amid foreign concerns for the treatment of journalists within the country. Members of the Ergenekon plot allegedly planned to assassinate prominent members of Turkey's Christian and Jewish minority groups, blame Islamic terrorists for the deaths and use this to delegitimize the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Soner Yalcin, the owner of Oda TV, an online news website that has been critical of the Turkish government, and two of his colleagues were formally arrested following several days of interrogations. The three were detained during a police raid that followed an eight-month investigation by authorities. US officials have voiced concerns over the treatment of journalists in Turkey, while Turkish officials have warned other countries not to become involved in their domestic matters.
Egypt: thousands of protesters keep up the pressure
Tens of thousands of flag-waving Egyptians filled Cairo's Tahrir Square Feb. 18 to celebrate the fall of Hosni Mubarak and pressure the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to deliver on pledges of reform. A military band in full dress uniform played patriotic music to widespread cheers, but demands included the release of detained protesters still being held by the military. The Coalition of the Revolution Youth called the gathering to "remember the martyrs of freedom and dignity and justice," after at least 365 were killed and 5,500 injured in the protests that brought down Mubarak, by the Health Ministry's official estimate. (Middle East Online, Feb. 18)
Protests and deadly repression sweep Arab world
Security forces fired on hundreds of mourners marching toward Bahrain's Pearl Square Feb. 18, with a helicopter spraying fire on protesters as they fled. Marchers were chanting "Peaceful, peaceful" when the troops opened fire. At least 50 were wounded. The funeral march was held to honor those killed in protests the previous day. (NYT, AP, NPR, Feb. 18)
Amnesty International: new evidence of detainee abuse by Egyptian military
Amnesty International (AI) on Feb. 17 released a report asserting new evidence that the the Supreme Military Council of Egypt has been torturing protester-detainees. Through various detainee accounts, AI stated that individuals were tortured "to intimidate protesters and to obtain information about plans for the protests." In addition, protesters contend that they were told to confess that they were trained by the Israeli or Iranian governments. AI's director for the Middle East and North Africa Malcolm Smart stated, "The Egyptian military authorities have committed publicly to creating a climate of freedom and democracy after so many years of state repression. Now they must match their words with direct and immediate action."
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