Bangladesh protests demand prime minister resign

Bangladesh opposition supporters protested July 29 to demand the resignation of prime minister and the leader of Awami League, Sheikh Hasina. The protests followed a call to action from the Bangladesh National Party (BNP). Protestors blocked several entry points to the capital Dhaka, and some threw rocks at police. The police responded with tear-gas, rubber bullets and batons. The Dhaka metropolitan police admitted to these tactics, saying that officers were injured. BNP leader Abdul Moyeen Khan said that 1,000 supporters have been arrested, two times higher than the 500 figure provided by the police.

These protests were the latest among a year-long series of demonstrations demanding new elections under a caretaker government. The BNP believes that elections that brought the Awami League to power in 2018 were not free and fair. At the time, BNP leader and former prime minister Khaleda Zia was convicted of corruption and barred from the election. 

The Bangladesh government has since then been criticized for undemocratic practices and human rights violations. Bangladeshi victims have spoken out about planned extrajudicial killings, and those who shared their experiences of such practices have faced arrest and torture. The United States has restricted the issuing of visas to Bangladeshi citizens who are believed to have undermined the democratic process in Bangladesh.

From Jurist, July 30. Used with permission.

Bangladesh opposition protest turns violent

One police officer was killed in Dhaka on Oct. 28 and over 100 people injured during an opposition party protest demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and calling for a free and fair vote under a caretaker government. (France24)

Bangladesh opposition leader arrested

A Dhaka court on Oct. 29 ordered the arrest of Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, secretary-general of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and dozens of BNP members after a major opposition protest held the previous day in the capital. (Jurist)

Bangladesh high court rejects plea by banned political party

The Bangladesh Supreme Court on Nov. 19 dismissed an appeal by Jamaat-e-Islami, the country's largest Islamist party, which sought the reversal of a 2013 high court ruling that declared the party illegal, finding that it had violated the constitutional principle of secularism. Hence, the party cannot participate in the upcoming national elections scheduled for January. (Jurist)

Bangladesh opposition party continues protests

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party said Nov. 29 that it will continue to stage anti-government protests, as well as call a boycott of the country's upcoming January elections, in the face of a crackdown by the ruling Awami League party. (Jurist)

UN expresses concern after violence-marred Bangladesh vote

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on Jan. 8 urged the newly-elected government of Bangladesh to redirect te country's course back toward democracy, and expressed concern over the violence-marred atmosphere during the weekend's poll.

Bangladesh's 12th parliamentary election was conducted Jan. 7. The army was deployed days earlier to keep peace ahead of the polls. The ruling Awami League registered its fourth consecutive victory, earning Sheikh Hasina a fifth term as prime minister. However, the election was marred by mass arrests and attacks on opposition figures. The polling day witnessed widespread violence throughout the country, resulting in a low turnout of 40%. Additionally, the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) boycotted the polls and began a 48-hour strike that day to disrupt the "fraudulent" election. (Jurist)

Six killed in Bangladesh student protests

Six people were killed in Bangladesh and hundreds injured July 16 during the ongoing student protests against the quota system that reserves 30% of government jobs for children of freedom fighters in the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. The government has ordered the indefinite closure of schools and colleges while the country is engulfed in angry protest. (Jurist)

Bangladesh police arrest opposition leader, ban public gathering

Bangladesh police arrested Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, a leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), who is said to be facing hundreds of charges. This comes as police fail to contain ongoing unrest, with student protestors storming a prison, freeing hundreds of prisoners and setting the jail on fire. In response to the prison break, the Bangladesh police issued a ban on public gatherings. (Jurist)

Bangladesh imposes nationwide curfew

The Bangladesh government imposed a nationwide curfew and deployed the army on July 19 amid escalating protests against government job quotas. (Jurist)

UAE imprisons Bangladeshis for protests against home government​

The United Arab Emirates' Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal sentenced 57 Bangladeshis to up to 10 years in prison for unlawful assembly over protests they organized in support of the uprising in their home country. (Jurist)

More than 150 have now been killed in the Bangladesh protest wave. (BBC News)

Bangladesh: 147 confirmed dead in quota reform protests

Death toll soars in Bangladesh protests

At least 93 people have been killed in Bangladesh as fierce clashes took place in different cities across the country on Aug. 4, according to local media.

Bangladesh prime minister flees country

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has fled the country and taken refuge in India after protestors stormed the residential palace in Dhaka. (Jurist, BBC News)

Bangladesh: interim government installed

Bangladesh authorities announced Aug. 6 that Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate renowned for his work in microcredit markets and a well-known critic and political opponent of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, will lead the country's interim government. (Jurist)

UAE pardons imprisoned Bangladeshi nationals

The United Arab Emirates has pardoned 57 Bangladeshi nationals imprisoned in July for organising protests against their former prime minister, Sheikh Hasina. The UAE's president pardoned the defendants, including three who had been handed life sentences, following a telephone call with Bangladesh’s interim leader, Muhammad Yunus. (TNH