David Bloom
Did the US nuke Syria?
An ominous Nov. 2 Jerusalem Post article on September's apparent Israeli bombing raid on a Syrian nuclear facility uses ambiguous language (highlighted below): the planes "carried" nuclear weapons, and the site was "totally destroyed" by "one bomb"—but it is not said explicitly that the bomb was nuclear. Is this psy-ops against Iran, showing that the US and Israel can bomb effectively in tandem—and are ready to use their nukes? Or perhaps the Arab sources (none of them named) quoted by AlJazeera were Syrian, making excuses for why nuclear material would be found at the bombed site?
NYT edit board goes bloggo, makes major screamer
Setting a new standard for accuracy in the blogosphere, the New York Times editorial board makes a major error in their Oct. 31 blog post, "A Visit From: Eli Khoury, Lebanese Activist." On "The Board," the editorial staff of the newspaper of record declares: "Israel, which is pounded daily by Hezbollah rockets coming across its northern border with Lebanon..."
Israeli publisher defends paper's use of terms "Jews-only," "apartheid"
Amos Schocken, the publisher of Israel's liberal daily Ha'aretz newspaper, has defended his paper's applying the word "apartheid" to the Israeli- occupied West Bank, as well as the phrase "Jews-only roads." According to journalist and blogger Phillip Weiss, who attended an Oct. 23 conference called "Israel and its Jewish Defamers," by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), Schocken's statements came in a result to inquiries from CAMERA, which is led by Andrea Levin:
Israeli "OneVoice" musician played settler Woodstock
The recent controversy over the cancellation of two concerts sponsored by the group OneVoice, to have been held simultaneously on Oct. 18 in Israeli-occupied Jericho and Tel Aviv, has drawn wide recriminations from its New York-based leadership. OneVoice was founded by Daniel Lubetsky, a young Israeli-Mexican-American polyglot businessman. He has called the mostly Palestinian critics of OneVoice "extremists" who are against peace. Ironically, one of the Israeli musicians Lubestky hired for OneVoice's ill-fated Tel Aviv show was the popular Israeli singer Ehud Banai. Banai recently got into some hot water of his own with the Israeli left. We were first tipped off to this controversy by a comment left on OneVoice's blog:
Israeli military aid to Burmese regime: Jane's
The Burmese junta currently shooting unarmed protestors received a cynical plea for restraint from the Israel government on Sept. 29. According to the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the Israeli foreign ministry announced "Israel is concerned by the situation in Myanmar, and urges the government to demonstrate restraint and refrain from harming demonstrators." The article ended by pointing out that "Israel denies selling weapons to Burma or Myanmar." (Ha'aretz, Sept. 29)
Palestinian president: Slaughter Hamas
The following was reported by Amit Cohen in the center-right Israeli paper Ma'ariv in Hebrew on Sept. 19:
Abu Mazen instructed his general "Slaughter them"
The clip [shown at the Ma'ariv link] apparently shows a meeting in Abu-Mazen's [President Mahmoud Abbas] bureau in Gaza in which members of the preventive security force identified with [Fatah strongman in Gaza] Muhammad Dahlan participated. When meeting the older gentleman dressed in black uniform, Abu Mazen asks him "are you the head of the preventive security force." When the answer is in the affirmative Abu-Mazen says one word, "slaughter [them]"
Israel: activists glue wall company shut
From Israel Indymedia (via Kibush), June 25:
Tonight we, a group of autonomous women activists, have protested against the Akerstein Company and its support for the Separation Wall. We have acted at the Akerstein sales center at Herzlia Pituach- we have inserted fast-drying glue into the locks of several entrance doors, sprayed red stains on the outer walls and hanged on the walls signs with the text reproduced below. For more details you can contact us via mail: XAutonomousX@gmail.com
Israeli forces kill two children in occupied Gaza Strip
From the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, June 1:
Israeli army fire kills two children in northern Gaza
GAZA -- Israeli soldiers stationed in northern Gaza Strip shot dead on Friday afternoon two Palestinian children, paramedics and eyewitnesses said.

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